What's the only thing we need?
Smaller classes?
More time?
Spring break?
Summer vacation?!
Yes, but no. The only thing we need is Christ. Over and over, every day, I have to say it over and over and beg God to remind me that He is my only sufficiency. These songs are great reminders.
"Beloved" by Derek Webb
This song is written as a beautiful love song from Christ. If we are to understand Song of Solomon, at least at one level, as an allegory of Christ and His love for His Church, we are the Beloved, and this song weaves together different parts of Scripture to speak what Christ might speak to His Church in this day.
Beloved, listen to me. Don't believe all that you see. And don't you ever let anyone tell you that there's anything that you need but Me.
Beloved, there is nothing more- no more blessings and no more rewards than the treasure of My body and blood given freely to all daughters and sons.
I look for so many other rewards– happiness, peace, success, fulfillment– when there is nothing better than the treasure I have in Christ. How could I ever want anything else?
"The Well" by Casting Crowns
Well, looky here, some mainstream music made the cut. :-) It's rare that a song that actually gets radio play makes it to one of my favorites playlists. I guess it's because radio songs are usually so safe and cliche, without saying very much, but this one is amazing. It's also written from the perspective of Christ, with language that is connected to what He actually does say in Scripture and what Paul actually does write of Him.
I love the first part:
Leave it all behind. (Repeat, repeat, repeat, because it takes constant reminders.)
I have what you need, but you keep on searching.
I've done all the work, but you keep on working.
When you're running on empty, and you can't find the remedy,
Just come to the Well.
(Ain't that the truth? Sowing and reaping the whirlwind, that's me. Thirsting when Living Water is so easily attainable... We can just go to the Well!)
I also love the list of things to leave behind in the last part:
your pursuit of perfection (ding, ding, ding, Natalie Coleman!)
your fear of rejection
your temporary pleasures
all of your earthly treasures
dried up, empty religion
rusty chains of addiction
all the guilt that weighs you down
Jesus said that His burden was light. He told the woman at Jacob's well that He could give her water that would make her never thirst again.
He extends the same invitation to each of us.
So, I put down the papers to grade, put down the heavy tote bag, the gigantic crate... put down my hope in making my own life valuable through my work, put down my dependence on the opinions others have of me, put down my attempts at self reliance, put down my trust in earthly things...
And go to the well, knowing Jesus is all I need, all that matters.