I'm working on a little project– my perfect daily playlist, one especially for Christians who are also teachers, though I think it'll probably apply to anyone. I am fascinated with the abundance of lessons– mostly in humility and trust– I am learning as a byproduct of being a teacher this year. Here's Part 1:
"The Valley" by Ellie Holcomb
All people, at least most sensitive "feely" people like me that I know, live life in mountains and valleys. Some days are wonderful and sunny, and it's easy to see and feel God's light all around us. Some days are crummy, and some days I just feel like feeling bad and just find myself empty. I believe that God is teaching me how to fight through the valleys and see His light streaming everywhere and always because He Is, but I also believe, in the midst of the gloom, He's teaching me why we have the valleys, to learn to trust, to learn dependence, to learn that He is all and only and that nothing I can do in myself or find in this world will ever come close to Him.
"The Valley Song" by Jars of Clay
I often feel guilty about my "valleys." People experience death of loved ones, terminal illnesses, financial ruin, starvation, persecution... all over the world and right next door... and my "valleys" are brought on by meanly worded parent emails and being lost under stacks of work to grade. I often want to tell myself, "You call this bad? Give me a break," as I realize that anyone with real pain and struggles has the right to say to me. I don't pretend to have experienced the worst valleys that life has to bring. I pray that I won't, but I do believe that even in my petty valleys, God is there and teaching me how to praise Him and rely on Him and not the happiness of my circumstances. This song seems to cry out from the deepest of valleys, like the ones of David in the Psalms. I don't think my valleys qualify as true depths, but I'm learning to praise in them, practicing the discipline of turning to God in all things.
"Clear the Stage" by Ross King
This song is truly amazing. It pierces me to the soul every single time. This song speaks of idolatry in terms of the trappings of "worship," in the sense of music and songs and services. When I listen to it, I hear God speaking to me about all the idols of my classroom and my self-importance and drive to find validation in my job. It wouldn't be as pretty, but I could replace the words about pews and decorations with desks and lesson plans, and it would be the ultimate song of what I need to remember every single day. I could change the refrain to "You can teach all you want to, you can teach all you want to. Worship is more than your job." Not pretty, definitely. But true. Christian teachers, especially this one, can so easily start to believe that teaching is an act of worship when it isn't, not because it can't be, but because our focus is so often not really on God or loving His children but on all the distractions and idols of the trade.
The most searing words of this song: Anything I put before my God is an idol. Anything I want with all my heart is an idol. Anything I can't stop thinking of is an idol. And anything I give all my love to is an idol. We must not worship something that's not even worth it. Oh, that God would help me remember what is worth it in this life, nothing but His kingdom, nothing but Him. Not my class, my books, my standards, my goals. Certainly not tests but not even the affection of kids or their smiles or the little ways I help them toward their goals and their futures. Only the Lord can do anything in their life that matters, not me or anything that I would teach. Lord, help me remember that every day.
"The Only Hope I've Got" by Ellie Holcomb
On the same note as the song above, this song.
Every day, Lord, "Will You help remind me of what is true, the only hope I've got- it's You."
I believe you should be in charge of our music on the way to school in the mornings. :-)