When there is no soul-searching, is the soul still there?
from The Sacredness of Questioning Everything by David Dark

We'll build new traditions in place of the old
'Cause life without revision will silence our souls
from "Snow" by Sleeping at Last

Monday, March 24, 2014

I Wish I Could Blog and Drive... Again

I've written before about the hazy clarity of a long drive here... so many thoughts, prayers, songs, so many ideas, a mind that is full and quiet at the same time. It's the perfect mood for writing, but it never lasts until I can finally sit and try to put it all in writing. 

I should have made voice memos of my thoughts, I guess. Or I should have at least sat down to write as soon as I got home instead of turning on the TV and painting my nails. (At the time, I thought the manicure needed to happen before the writing because long nails get on my nerves when I'm trying to type, and I had no idea that I'd find Steel Magnolias on TV and find it impossible not to keep watching my all-time favorite.)

So, I'll just sit here and enjoy the feeling of short nails and the look of fresh polish on the keys and smile at every favorite line of my favorite movie and look forward to my sweet Sweetheart coming home for dinner very soon.

I'd be a better writer (and teacher, wife, person...) if I were more disciplined and less prone to whims (like manicures and Magnolias), but I do remember that one of my recurring reflections on my drive had to do with loving life as it is and gratitude for how wonderful each day truly is. And I think just simply being happy is a good way to celebrate that. 

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate:
    1. Why am I not more disciplined? Sigh. I guess I am just not a robot. Thank Jesus for Christ.
    2. Why do I always think of writing ideas at the most inconvenient times? This generally happens to me when I am starting to drift toward sleep.
